Eunice Chin
Eunice Chin is a current English Literature student at Nanyang Technological University who loves anything related to Absurdism and Samuel Beckett. Her research interests include Absurdism, Beckett Studies, Bergsonian Philosophy, Medical Humanities (Death and Dying), and Posthumanism. She constantly wonders about the chaos that inhabits our minds and its resistance to being understood. When not writing, she can be found in the dance studio or in the theatre.
Contributor Biography
Pamela Seong Koon
Contributor Biography
Pamela Seong Koon is a dormant writer. She has poems in anthologies that include Inheritance (Math Paper Press), My Lot Is A Sky (Math Paper Press), Asingbol (Squircle Line Press), and SingPoWriMo 2015-2018 (Math Paper Press).
in third person
you are your own narrator. you may get
appointments wrong or the food burnt
but believe in the recipe. letters are
curved, full stops smaller than commas.
the semicolon will chase after
you. pencils do not talk until you
touch them and shirts do not have
bodies. when you cry the walls
swallow the words for you so continue
taking pills. remember the chicken
in the oven. you added salt to it and
spilled some on the cat. soon, your scalp
will bloom. do not wish me away. i do not need
to separate myself from you for you to be true.
it is waking up each morning at
7am, sunlight drawing
curtains and traces of old
eyeliner. warmth stays
close to skin, wrapped
in tight spirals of spring.
absent from routine was
week-old food pouring from
chipped walls—you had learnt
to cherish anything you could
eat. the previous night saw
dancing among a confetti of
aged letters and prescription
receipts. they had clogged up
the drawers; this process
is cleaning. but it is not
waking up at 7am that gives
life, it is waking up at all—
and knowing this, you go to
sleep. the sun takes special
care to avoid rousing you. the
following nights tiptoe through
your room.